Much has been made of the good/bad film of the reboot of the Star Trek series. Some fanboys complain of the inconsistencies, others revel in the new regime. Whatever side of the fence you sit on; there has been one debate about this film from day one: SHATNER. Why was Nimoy in the film and no Big Bill? On a personal level, I kinda wish there was a fleeting glimpse of the passing of the torch as there was with Spock, but a part of me understands why not. There was a decision by JJ and the Powers that Be, to exclude Shatner from this, and as a fan, I guess I respect that, until today. In the blog, it was revealed today that Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman did indeed write a scene to include him into the film, and the scene itself is quite movingly beautiful. You can find the scene (and all the commentary from worldwide fans pro and con) here:
I love it and actually wish it had been put in, but that is not the point. As ST had taken a turn for the new, so must the old make room for the new.
This is Dome sayin – Yo, Kirk. Enjoy the Denny Crane residuals. We missed you in the movie.
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