I admit that I am behind on The Walking Dead (I have not yet seen the November 21 episode). And usually, I would leave commentary on the show to The Dome so as not to clog the blog (heh. poet=me). Don’t worry, this isn’t about to become a blog solely dedicated to The Walking Dead, but, as the Hero of Canton would say, “I got words…” regarding the third episode.
First of all, I’ve got a theory on the use of the word “geeks” to describe the zombies. I don’t have much evidence for it, so feel free to prove me wrong in the comments section. The original use of the term “geek” was to refer to a sideshow performer who caught chickens (or snakes, or other small animals) and bit their heads off. Think Ozzy Ozbourne, only repetitive. The zombies do the same thing, but with people and large animals. Therefore zombies=geeks. And if it’s not true, you still have a fun fact to toss around at parties: Ozzy is a total geek.
My second point has very little to do with the horror aspects of the show, and everything to do with character development. I understand why it was necessary for Shane to blow off some steam after losing the family he was creating with Lori and Carl, I really do. However, the writers went and wrote in what could have been a great feminist moment (inequality of work, women banding together to protect each other, etc.) and then ruined it entirely by having Shane jump in and save them. I do not buy for a second that Andrea (blond college lady) and Jacqui (the one who worked for the city), who seemed the strongest emotionally, were not also physically capable of taking Ed on. The man has been sitting around smoking cigarettes, meanwhile, the women been hauling wood and water, washing clothes on a washboard, and hiking all over. Plus, there were two of them against one of him.
So props to the writers for an accurate portrayal of domestic violence, and props to them for writing strong female characters. But trying to give Shane a “White Knight” moment so that he could express his anger that Rick was back? Not cool. Not only did it undermine Andrea’s character (I was waiting for her to hit Ed, and I was going to be so happy about it), but it also undermined Shane’s. There are two episodes left to go, and he’s still entirely ambiguous. Is he trying to steal Rick’s family, or did he really think Rick was dead? If he had emotions to get out, why not give him a chance to take it out on the zombie who got into camp? Why have him beat a guy almost senseless, and sink to the same level as an abusive husband/father instead of taking the high road? Was it supposed to be a heroic moment or a monstrous moment or both? Is this ambiguity on purpose?
I don’t know, but I can’t wait to watch last night’s episode!
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