Bare With Me On This

OK folks, I am seriously not making any statement in jest or mocking anyone here, so lets get that right out of the way first. This post defies any current category we have here on the site and probably belongs on the Science Fiction-Science Fact area (not built yet but  coming soon). But, to be honest, I am not sure if it even belongs here at all, but I am going to share a link with you all:

(cut and paster the url in as autoformating doesnt seem to be working, Kriana!)

Having stumbled across this site and doing more than a bit of crosschecking as to its reality, I have to say with all due respect, I am stunned. The World Superhero Registry is a website devoted to those among us who have taken a great leap into an honest mix of the fantasy of what we all read when we open a comic with the reality of one person making a difference.

I can clearly remember as a child laying on my bed on a hot summer afternoons surrounded with Capt. America, Superman, or perhaps running through the neighborhood backyards with a thin towel for a cape. Laugh all you will (and I am sure you are, X), but we have all been there. At some point, the “Superhero” struck a chord within the collective and individual Us, and in doing so instilled values, and gave us pause about the fate of man, in beautiful colors and full pages of action.

Stan Lee took it one ridiculous step further with his ill-fated Who Wants To Be A Superhero series, attempting to bridge the reality to Fantasy gap, and falling just short of unintentional mockery.

I urge each of you to look at this site with open eyes and know that there are those among us who have somehow bridged this gap and are making a difference. I know this is hard to accept . It was for me, as I was reading it. Think of it this way. Curtis Sliwa created the Gurdian Angels in NYC as a reaction ot the needs of citizens. Is this  a logical progression? Perhaps it is.

I make no claims about the existence of The Fantastic Four or Superman.  I will just say this. The Superheroes listed and talked about on this site are a logical progression of what we all need in our collective psyche.

This is Dome saying, Peace and Love, Peace and Love. Ringo was wrong.

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