Letting My Geek Flag Fly

Sure, I ain’t no Mickey Mantle, didn’t hit no 3 zillion home runs, BUT I do know the proper way to defrag a hard drive and have watched every frackin’ episode of Wondefalls. In celebration of ME and every other less than perfect physical specimen among us who ever attended an LAN party, played an RPG, knows what ZORK is or cares which inker did the best with Professor X, I am proud to present Geek a Week Trading Cards. The collectible for those of us who may never have a tan, or in my case do own multiple Harley Quinn Barbie Dolls. The brain child of self described geek artist Len Peralta, his website is both funny and quite funny as well as sometimes very funny. The upshot is a very funny and enlightening series from a very imaginative artist and geek

This is Dome sayin’:  Can I have that picture of Katie Sackoff?

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