On the ‘Cast tonight is a great friend and wonderful writer, Richard Paolinelli, here to talk about book two in the Starquest 4th. Age Adventure Series: Galen’s Blade. This book has everything a reader wanted in a sequel; terse precise writing that advances a gripping story quickly and efficiently with wonderful engaging characters and a plot that keeps the reader engaged and guessing throughout the story. Time and time again, Richard brings his writing abilities to the forefront and delivers a compelling continuation of book one with the sly smirk of a carnival barker, always having something up his sleeve, so, of course, when the book ends we readers are left wanting and waiting for the promised books 3 and 4 to wrap this saga up within the “Starquest” saga. As impatient as I am for the rest of this story, I am content with this next tale of The Galactic Knights. Enjoy the conversation.
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