Monthly Archives: June 2020

TalkCast 444 – The Many Worlds of Jay Mooers

In 2014 the comic world was introduced to The Twisted World of Jay Mooers’ Autumn Grey. At that point it was the beginnings of an interesting story about a place, kinda like here but kinda not…an in-between world that existed somewhere in the periphery of your vision…just when you think you see it, it blinks […]

TalkCast443 – The Wonderful World of Extraterrestrial Teenage Cats and Other Fun Stuff

The good news is, It’s a great day here in area 51 when we get to visit again with someone we really like and they have a new project to talk about. The better news is we are for some unknown reason STILL talking about aliens on earth and the agencies that support them. Our […]

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