Monthly Archives: October 2017

The Writer’s Block Presents: One Lunatic’s Dream

There are two types of people in this world. One is the sensible, rational type. They set realistic, achievable goals: grow up, get a job you like and are good at, meet someone awesome, get married and have two awesome children. My sister is one of these people. So is my sister-in-law. The other type […]

TalkCast 364 – Cameron J. Quinn

On this episode we have a wonderful; conversation with Cameron J. Quinn and explore the many sides of her artistic career. Cameron writes in many genres including Paranormal Romance, Horror, Urban Fantasy, and Thrillers. We talk about the beginning of her new series She explains how and why she delves into each genre as well as […]

TalkCast 363 – The Worldbuilding of Mag Na Mell

  In this episode we talk about the web-comic Mag Na Mell with its creators Emily Rhain Andrews and Christian Konczal, co-creators of a new Worldbuilding community based on an alternate world filled with Gods and monsters and war. We discuss how it began and why it came to light. We also got insight into what “Worldbuilding” […]

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