Monthly Archives: October 2009

Halloween Trivia #2

The first commenter to answer this question correctly: What phobia do you suffer from if you have an intense fear of Halloween? will win the Underburbs Trade Paperback, and the ink Scarecrow by Christopher Gibbs. Good Luck!

Halloween Trivia #1

The first commenter to answer this question: What is the real name of Elviria, Mistress of the Dark? will win Split Lip (Australian Volume 2) and End of the Long Walk (the novel). There’s no time constraint on this – so if you’ve picked this up late, come and check it out! I’ll update this […]

Prizes for Talkcast 4: Halloween 2009

We have a very special ‘cast planned for tomorrow night including the following guests: Sam Costello of Split Lip Comics, Joe Haley of the Underburbs and Travis Roy with the Granite State Skeptics (who are ghost hunting!). For this very special halloween episode we have TWO trivia prize segments. The first prize set we’re giving […]

Talkcast #3: Comicon!

Here is the third episode of our talkcast, archived for your podcasting pleasure. In this episode, we talked about all the cool people we met at Comicon, Castle (the TV show), and had our first successful giveaway! Thanks again to Comfan Comics, Peter Vinton Jr., and Sara Richard for donating the prizes. Stay tuned, later […]

ComiCon Boston 2009 or Lets Set The Wayback Machine For 1972, Sherman.

ComiCon Boston was this past weekend and I was blown away by some of the things that went on. We had a great booth there, made some wonderful new friends, got some great interviews and had such a moment of Déjà vu. In 1972, I was unemployed, and would spend the mornings looking for work […]

Talkcast #3: Comic Con!

Talkcast #3 will start in about half an hour (8pm Eastern time) and I wanted to announce the prize for answering the trivia question of the week. In addition to Weird Science #1 (reprint) from Comfan Comics, and Nemo 2025 by Peter Vinton Jr. this week you can also win a Harley Quinn print by […]

Talkcast #2

Here is the second installation of the new improved talkcast! In which the Dome and I talk about Marvel’s Models, Steampunk, and Virtual Echo.

Science Fiction-Science Fact: DARPA

For those of you unfamilliar with the acronym, it is Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency. In the grand tradition of The Men Who Stare at Goats, this place can come up with some interesting stuff, and by interesting I mean weird. If you thought Terminator was the future of robotics…think again. Chembot is a gelatinous […]

Sci-Fi Saturday Night at Comicon!

SFSN will be at the Boston Comic Con this Saturday and Sunday. We will be giving away a limited supply of SFSN brain buttons (so come early!), as well as a secret prize from one of our sponsors and the amazing package of a weekend pass to the upcoming New England Fan Experience which includes […]

Welcome to Another Saturday Night

Welcome to another edition of our Talkcast. You can listen live by following the direction in the mini-thought balloons to the left! OR…listen to us anytime as the ‘Cast will be posted here tomorrow!

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