A moment to admire the work of Amy Gamache At GraniteCon 2014. https://www.facebook.com/squidfarts
A moment to admire the work of Amy Gamache At GraniteCon 2014. https://www.facebook.com/squidfarts
You can find his books for sale at: www.tavicat.com His blog can be found at: www.rhumbaghost.com. Rikki says, Hi!
At Least He’s Not On Fire. Learn more about Chris’ work at: www.adriansundeaddiary.com
Our Dead Redhead talks about the behind the scenes challenges at BCC 2014
Tonight’s guests are from the improv comedy troupe Dorks in Dungeons. We were joined by the wonderful Kathleen Cavalaro (Director of Logistics), Tim Jacobs (Actor), and Brian Kelly (Game Master and Artistic Director). We spent a wonderful time learning about what they do, how they do it, and how our listeners can experience their magic live!
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From their “WTF is This?” page:The show follows the exploits of a fantastical delivery service, The Special Parcel Service, as they try to make their deliveries against all odds (and their own incompetence). Game Master Brian Kelly guides the action while a band of improvisers plays the rotating cast of characters helping or hindering our heroes, and their success or failure is determined by the roll of a 20-sided die.
Kate talks to Dome about the sculpture art of Henry Cesneros. His art was among the most unique at this event. You can find more of his work at: www.henrycesneros.com
Dome finds out about some very different crafts. Find more of them at: https://www.etsy.com/shop/BoxyBrown
Two new superheroes battle for the secrets of a lost civilization. Find more information here: http://ratarra.com/mybookblog/
Erica has done work for Marvel Comics, and her most recent work for them is writing Revenge: The Secret Origin of Emily Thorne. You can find M3 on comixology.com, and all of the issues are available digitally from the M3 website: http://www.m3comic.com
Douglas DeRocher talks with Dome about the unique style of his new comic. More of his work can be found at http://dougderocherart.blogspot.com.