If you’re going to put a film festival on in this god forsaken year and it’s going to be a Philip K Dick Film Festival, AND it’s going to be in Paris , well then, here’s the guy who’s going to do it and pull it off with some amazing films. Our guest tonight is Dan Abella, the man behind the PKD Film Festival, this year originating in Paris. And in true Abella style (and under rigid international pandemic protocols) he is running the entire operation from his New York offices.
And like every Dan Abella interview, we ran the gamut of topics from remote viewing for military purposes, to critical thinking and multiple analysis of evidence in current society, and how Philip K Dick was doing that 50 years ago. Of course we also spent some time talking about the incredible international lineup of films for this years event, which then branched off into another discussion into the razor thin future some of these movies portray.; closer today than tomorrow’s sunrise. And that is the beauty of this festival, those futures may not be hundreds of years or months or days….
They may be tomorrow morning.
Enjoy the paranoia.
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