TalkCast 454 – Turnip Out Is Always Fair Play

Christie Stratos

Christie Stratos

(For those of you who are Mothers of Inventions fans, the title makes perfect sense) Podcasting, in many ways, is a lot like cooking stew. You throw a bunch of stuff in a pot and see what happens. When a friend of the show brought us to the attention of another podcast, we were invited to be a part of The Writers Showcase and met Christie Stratos. It turns out Christie is not only an incredibly competent and charming host, but also an editor and author, so we here at party central thought it only fair to bring her onto the area 51 podcast and give her the chance to talk about her work as well. And so we did. And here it is. 

We got the opportunity to talk about her experiences in podcasting and how our paths have intersected and then delved into her gothic thriller The Brotherhood of Secrets. The unfortunate aspect of the discussions is that her podcast is going on hiatus until the new year…..the good news is so she can finish her newest novel.

Enjoy the chaos.

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Brotherhood Of Secrets

Brotherhood Of Secrets




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