TalkCast 252 – Things That It Isn’t, Not Things That It Is

HM Gooden

When you discuss literature, inevitably one wonders what things are missing and in doing so , was it in error or purposeful. Welcome to the incomplete world of Heather M. Gooden, an author who dangles more threads than a blind seamstress and does so knowinging and with gleeful malice. If every picture tells a story, then every clue MUST have a meaning. The delicious problem here is that some do…some might and some…well…we may never actually know. And THAT is the beauty of her writing. 

Having read nothing else by the prolific Mags, we were both perplexed by her writing attributes: candor, style, economy of words which in this case leads to a story that tells so very much in such a short time and leaves you wanting so much more. The last few weeks of the senior year of high school for anyone is filled with landmines in a perfect word, but the world of Robin is far from perfect. I could tell you all the mundane disasters that proliferate her life and the one or two rather outstanding  crises ( the death of her mother early on, for one). I could tell you about how months before her birthday a present arrives for her from her mother’s birthplace, the Isle of Skye, but I’m not sure of it’s meaning or significance other than it has meaning and significance (another thread).

This is a novel novel written by a woman with a special skill for words and a unique style of storytelling. We should stop writing and you should start listening . THEN you should start reading The Cursed Heart.

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The Cursed Heart



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