Peter Vinton, Jr.
A few episodes ago, with George O’Connor as guest, George suggested he was a member of the “SFSN’s 5 Timers Club” and get the very first Green Jacket. Alas, upon researching, he only has been on 4 times and was disqualified. Tonight, however, Sci Fi Saturday Night is proud to present our first induction into “The 5 Timers Club”. The inimitable Peter Vinton, Jr. joins us to talk about his work and his book series, “The Monitor’s Guild” and its mirror to current and future society. We then discuss the constantly evolving new England Comic Con and Convention scene with a look at the new conventions springing up all over and what it means to both new and upcoming artists and content creators as well as well known and established creators and the increasing number of “Special Appearance Conventions” that are growing in popularity and size.
Join us for a thought provoking hour, and congratulations to Peter, our first inductee into this hallowed club.

A 5 Timers Club Inductee
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