John Palisano came by to talk about his contribution to the My Peculiar Family KickStarter project, His current projects and his new position as Vice President of the Horror Writers Association of America.
Then we spoke with Jake Vander Ende, the brilliantly twisted mind behind Spriteborne Games. There is nothing more amazing than an artisan with a Laser. His hand crafted laser awesomeness is evident in the quality he puts into his creations.
In this weeks news:
- If Torchwood EVER returns, it won’t be with Gwen Cooper.
- C.J. Cherryh Is Named SFWA Grandmaster by Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America.
- New Harry Potter Book/Script/Book.
- Brian Fuller Takes Over New Star Trek TV Show.
- Does The Huge Shakeup At ABC Matters To ‘Agent Carter’ Fans.
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