Talkcast 21

Scott Wegener’s Atomic Robo on the Apple iPhone ad.

Joss Whedon to make film about San Diego Comic-Con attendees

Director Jeffrey Blitz/Producer Sean Welch making documentary on history of DC Comics

Smallville returns to Baywatch-quality scripts. You are now allowed to sleep.

Evil Wil Wheaton returns to Big Bang Theory

DVD –The Time Traveler’s Wife – It’s not science fiction. It is however a great movie! has EVERY SHIRT that Sheldon has worn on Big Bang Theory; also have Leonard’s shirts, Wolowitz’ belt buckles, and a whole bunch of Big Bang stuff you need so very desperately.

Comics Corner: Legendary Talespinners #1 — buy or die.

Supergirl 50th issue – Jamal Igle has never been better

Our Guest tonight: Bill MacKenty educator & video game designer.

The Dead Redhead’s Wall of Weird!

Singapore is stealing beaches, a scoop at a time.

Doctor Who vs. Thatcher

New site dresses your inner goddess

Toblerone from outer space


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