So, Last night was the last of the “Premiere Event” launching of V and all I have to say is, “yawn.” After 4 episodes, the world is supposed to wait until March for new stuff and my question is, for what. After a month, here is what we know:
The FBI Agent is blind, stupid and reacts erratically as all hell
The Priest is blind, stupid and dead
The Underground Leader is blind, stupid and shot
The turncoat Lizard doesn’t want anyone skinned
The FBI Girls kid is an adolescent putz who is thinking with his hormones, which should come as no surprise to his mommy or anyone for that matter.
The V leader looks kinda sexy naked when she performs The Bliss
Her daughter is using the kid, but looks kinda sexy in her underwear.
The V Invasion Fleet is massing for attack
We fight them. We almost lose. We ultimately win.
Don’t bother watching.
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