Super Women

Longtime readers and listeners will know that we here at SFSN love to see women involved in geeky things. This is partially because many of us *are* women involved in geeky things. That’s why we’re very excited to tell you about the Womanthology Kickstarter project:

The purpose of the book is to show support for female creators in comics and media. There will be multiple short stories, “how to”s & interviews with professionals, and features showcasing iconic female comic creators that have passed, such as Nell Brinkley and Tarpe Mills. A Kids & Teens section will also be included, showcasing their work, and offering tips & tricks to help them prepare themselves for their future careers in comics. Overall, this is pretty much a huge book showcasing what women in comics have accomplished, and what we are capable of 🙂 We are also hoping that by doing this book, it will encourage a new generation of women to pick up the pencil and create!

Part of what’s special about Womanthology is its equal opportunity aspects. Big- name professionals like Gail Simone are paired up with new and upcoming talent to promote opportunity and chances for those newcomers to learn, and give them a stage to show what they can do. For instance, Gail will be paired up with extraordinary new artist Jean Kang! Or for, another example, legendary artist Camilla d’Errico will be paired up with up and coming writer Raven Moore! Check out the Womanthology site for more exciting team ups!

This project is huge in scope and the rewards for Kickstarter backers are pee-your-pants exciting. We’re going to have some representatives from the project on the podcast some yet-to-be-determined time in the future, but the Kickstarter project ends on August 7, so we wanted to give you a chance to get your pledge in before it’s too late!

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