I was going to write this post about the disappointing ending of Bendis’ five year plan, aka the “Secret Invasion”, but what’s the point? You’ve all read it by now and bitched about it in comic stores and blogs, to friends and family, and it still comes down to the fact that we got shafted. Again. Just when the nightmares of “One More Day” had stopped… ah, well. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me every week for the last thirty years of my life, and it’s business as usual. Go look up “addictive personality”, then figure out how many times you feel you’ve gotten your money’s worth out of all the series that you’re reading, then make some decisions. There are other ways to spend three bucks…
…still, I’ve gotta say that I did enjoy SI: Dark Reign, the one-shot segue from SI to Dark Avengers. Classic Bendis, with our favorite villains sitting around talking like the Reservoir Dogs in costumes. It even has art by Alex Maleev, who did such an incredible job on Daredevil a few years back, and really complements Bendis’ scripts. Unfortunately, it also has the WORST Sub-Mariner artwork I have ever seen! Maybe this is some alternate-universe version of Subby, where he’s balding and pudgy and really needs a shave, or he’s hit the bricks after being dumped by Sue Richards for the umpteenth time. Face it, pal — she ain’t gonna leave Reed for more than six issues at most, so enjoy her while you can and for God’s sake hit the gym!
In other comics news, Usagi Yojimbo is still the most consistently excellent series out there; Final Crisis still doesn’t make any sense; and I’m still patiently, patiently waiting for the final volume of Omaha the Cat Dancer. Of course, I’m still waiting for Ben Edlund to finish The Tick, so excuse me for a few decades…
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