Monthly Archives: September 2021

TalkCast 500 – The Long Strange Trip Thusfar

Tonight we take a look back with some of our friends. In a very special  episode we reminisce with Zombrarian, Kriana, Illustrator X and Commander Cam and talk about some off their memories of the past 500 episodes: the good, the bad and the ridiculous. From Doug Jones to Dr. K. and almost everywhere in-between, […]

TalkCast 499 – Plato’s Republic On the Moon and DragonCon

One might reasonably ask what these two things have in common?  The quick answer is of course Garon Whited. The not so quick response is also Garon Whited. Garon and The Commander talk about one of his hard SF books, Luna. and its roots in Plato’s republic and Lord of the Flies and seem to […]

TalkCast 498 – Once Upon A Time In Dystopia

Dan Abella joins us once again to talk about the Philip K Dick Science Fiction FIlm Festival to be held at the Producers Club Theater and Cinema In New York City on September 17,18 and 19. As usual we have no idea where the interview is going to end up because that’s how it goes […]

Talkcast 497 – GraniteCon 2021 Preview & WL Hawkin Returns

What Do GraniteCon and Paranormal Romance Have In Common? Why, it’s Sci Fi Saturday Night , of course! New England is so very lucky to have a Granitecon this year. We get a few moments to talk with Chris from Double Midnight Comics to get an overview of what we can expect from this years […]

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