Monthly Archives: May 2007

A New Begining For Sci Fi Saturday Night?

As this has become my persoanl blog, I wanted to take this time to comment on a few things.

Mr K, Illustrator X and I have been working over the past few months on bringing SFSN back to the airwaves of New England. While we have been met with some kindness and support, it has been difficult to keep spirits up, and while we 3 are all worling on seperate projects at the moment, there has been some positive momentum on the part of a Major Radio Outlent in New Hampshire. More on this to come.

Dru and I were at the Granite State Comicon this past weekend. Despite the horrible weather, The Men from Double Midnight Comics did a wonderful job. More on who we saw and talked to later this week. BUT I must say I did pick up an amazingly beautiful Harley Quinn (Feel free to send me your favorite HQ’s) Illustration. More on that soon.

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