Monthly Archives: August 2006

Sci Fi Saturday Night and WGIR Manchester part ways.

In a press release earlier this morning, it was announced that SCIFICO and WGIR were unable to come to terms on a second season of Sci Fi Saturday Night. More information will be forthcoming.


Brian Belanger has mysteriously disappeared. If anyone has information regarding his whereabouts, please contact SFSN immediately. In the meantime, Illustrator X will be taking over his duties here.

Podcast #8: They stare at…. Goats?

This 2005 interview with Jon Ronson concerned his book The Men Who Stare at Goats. Alternately creepy and hilarious, this book is the story of a super-secret branch of The US Military which attempt all kinds of paranormal experiments. From “remote viewing” and walking through walls to literally staring goats to death. The book is somtimes impossible to believe and other times just plain scary. We spoke with Jon from his flat outside London, where he resides.

Well you may notice some changes

Hi ho! Kriana the Anime Princess here, bringing you a brand new site. I anticipate this being buggy, but just bear with me. At this time, if you encounter a bug, please contact me at, and let me know.
(PS: no news except podcast descriptions is going to be ported over at this time. If this depresses you, drop me a line)

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