TalkCast 398 – The Joy Cat Club

Kristi McDowell

Kristi McDowell


Kristi McDowell of Gamer Girl and Vixen joins us.

In 2013, she co-founded Eden Park Tales with Jay Moores to publish her own comic, A Planet’s Cry and she was one of the authors in the first edition of My Peculiar Family

In 2014, she co-founded Joy Cat Comics to publish Gamer Girl & Vixen.


The Joy Cat Team is:

We got the chance to talk with Kristi about the evolution of Gamer Girl and Vixen. Along the way, she shared some wonderful insights into why it is a passion project for the team, where it is heading now that the first graphic novel is out and what some of their other projects coming up “might” be.

It’s always fun to catch up with an old friend of the show and see what’s been happening in the intervening years. Thanks, Kristi, for spending time with us.

Enjoy the chaos

Gamer Girl and Vixen

Gamer Girl and Vixen


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TalkCast 397 – Keene Comic Con, Sophomore Year Preview

Keene Comic Con

Keene Comic Con

In this episode we talk with Terry Thomas, the force behind Keene Comic Con, in anticipation of their second year. It will be Saturday, October 20 from 9:00 to 5:30. Admission is $ 10.00 and kids 10 and under are free when accompanied by an adult. It will once again be held at the Keene Rec. Center with plenty of free parking.

Terry took some time to sit down and talk with us about what changes have been made for this years event. One of the biggest changes this year is their expansion within the facility so that this year, the Convention will utilize virtually the entire complex. Doing this allows the Convention to offer more innovative experiences this year including the ever-popular New England Kids Con, Mark Pingston’s Magic and Pop Culture Show, Rag Doll Studio Virtual Reality Room, The New England Balloon Man and much more.  Of course there will also be an “Artists Alley” filled with artists, authors, artisans, vendors and a ton of local and regional surprises. One of the more interesting events will be the  word famous Moogies Auction Service auction midway during the Con. They always have very interesting items.

As the world of Micro Cons grows and takes its place in the ever-growing world of Pop Culture and Comic Art gatherings, Keene is proving to be a force to contend both for the audience and participants. Join the Sci Fi Saturday Night crew there.

Enjoy The Chaos.


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TalkCast 396 – On Panels with Spence

Hey, It's Spence!

Hey, It’s Spence!

In this podcast we get to spend time with Laura Nicole “Spence” Spencer. I had the extreme good fortune to meet Spence when we were both on a panel at Granite Con this year.  She is the epitome of an all around person: Voice Actor, Entrepreneur, Fan Girl, owner of Resonant Moon Audio Book Solutions, a voracious crochet mavin and host of the Game School Podcast.

Naturally, we talked about the role of import/export trade imbalance in Kurdistan and why/how it affects Canadian snack foods. (The previous sentence is a lie). We actually did get a lot of insight into the amazing world of Spence, why and how she does the things she does and how this amazing lady keeps it altogether doing so many things and doing them well. It was indeed a pleasure to have her on and hope she comes back soon.

Enjoy the chaos


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Resonant Moon Audiobook Solutions

Resonant Moon Audiobook Solutions

TalkCast 395 – Chris and Alan Hebert Talk Team Synergy

Team Synergy

Team Synergy


We talk with the newest inductees into the Sci Fi Saturday Night Five Timers Club, Alan and Chris Hebert. SFSN spent much time at Vermont Comic Con with our friends from HB Comics. They join the show to talk about the state of the independent comic creator and how it has changed over the past years. They are also here to talk about the newest episode of Team Synergy, a “kids” comic at inception and how is has now in issue 4, evolved into a taut YA Superhero adventure. Changes in story arc characterizations and art , thanks in no small part to the addition of artist P.R. Dedelis, have helped sharpen the focus of this comic as it evolves. They also talk about the other tent-poles of the HB Comics repertoire, Vindication, Lazerman and Mystery Man .

It’s a fun time. Enjoy the Chaos.


HB Comics

HB Comics


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5 timers club FINAL


Team Synergy Vol. 4

Team Synergy Issue 4

A Brief Review Of Team Synergy #4

When Team Synergy first showed up, The HB Team brought it out in grand style , giving it the full convention treatment that included live action cosplayers of the Team Members at their convention booth and a detailed story of the origin of these new “teen superheroes” that were going to show us something innovative. When talking with them at their booth, the story of how and why the comic came about had much to do with the lack of anything for a young girl to be able to relate to in the comic universe, so Alan and Chris decided, they would bring out their take on this endeavor. I have been watching, with keen interest, as issue after issue has come out and, true to their word, they have done exactly as they said and the end product has indeed be something relatable to the younger audience.

In #4 however, Team Synergy evolves significantly and, in my opinion, it’s all for the better. As the series has grown, so have all the internal components of Team Synergy. The characters have become more focused, not just about themselves but also about each other. The story arc has sharpened and become a bit more mature. The artwork has markedly changed and developed under the creative inking and penciling of P. R. Dedelis. All of these changes add up to a new and exciting direction for this wonderful series.

HB has a reputation in the industry for making comics with great stories that the entire family can enjoy and understand. With Team Synergy #4, they have taken themselves and their audience to a new level in the YA comic and I, for one, can’t wait to see where it goes next.

Good things can happen when there is passion for the project.

Enjoy it




SFSN was not paid or in any way compensated for this review.

TalkCast 394 – Jeff Deck, The Ghost Author

Jeff Deck

Jeff Deck

In this episode we are joined by author Jeff Deck to talk about his newest series City of Ports – The Shadow over Portsmouth (Book One) We got the chance to task with Jeff about the setting, Portsmouth, NH, the development of the characters, the use of internal monologue as a narrative tool and how when it all comes together into a wonderful urban paranormal science fiction detective story that virtually defies  definition (as well it should).  Jeff spoke with us about how and why the main character Divya Allard came into being and the four-year adventure before he found the right story to use her in.

Enjoy the chaos


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City of Ports – The Shadow over Portsmouth

City of Ports – The Shadow over Portsmouth

TalkCast 393 – Yes Virginia, Vermont Has a Comic Convention (and has for a few years now)

Vermont Comic Con

Vermont Comic Con

And joining the show to talk about it are Jason and Natasha Moulton.

First the bullet points:

  • The con runs September 15 & 16 at the Barre Civic Center.
  • The venue has wifi and tons of parking.
  • Ticket prices are quite reasonable.
  • There are also VIP Passes, discounts for Student, Senior, Military and First Responders.
  • There is a Family pack discount as well.

Jay and Natasha got the chance to speak about a ton of stuff. We talked about how the Guests this year (it is year 5) were chosen and how the Artists Alley, Vendor Areas and Panels have a distinct Vermont flavor, so if you have been to other shows, chances are real good that you will get to see and experience a ton of new stuff as well. One of the interesting things Natasha talked about was the Gaming Pavilion and VCC’s affiliation with Steve Jackson Games (Munchkin). It should prove to be a jam packed show with something for literally everyone. Come down and visit the Sci Fi Saturday Night booth. We look forward to seeing you all there.



Enjoy the chaos.


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TalkCast 392 – GraniteCon 2018 Preview

The Double Midnight Gang

The Double Midnight Gang

Joining the podcast for this episode is Chris Proulx, Owner of Double Midnight Comics (with locations in Manchester and Concord New Hampshire) and one of the main men behind the scenes of Double Midnight Productions and The Granite State Comicon being held on September 8 & 9 at the former Radisson Center of New Hampshire in Manchester. Tickets are available online and can also be purchased on the days of the event at the sales booths as the North and South Event Areas. Kids

GraniteCon 2018

GraniteCon 2018

under 10 are free when accompanied by a paid adult.

This year, the South Expo Hall will be host to Artists Alley, the Vendors Area, the Celebrity Meet and Greet and Photo Op. area. See special guests including Doug Jones Butch Patrick, Carol Spinney and many more.

The North Concourse will be home to The Kids Con, The Fan Zone (which will include The New England Brotherhood of Pirates, Stranger Things Feature Presentation, The 501stNew England, The Mass. Ghostbusters, Stark Expo v2.018, The Guardian Legion and so much more) a vast array of panels (you might even want to check out Geek Ears, Pointy & Otherwise with Nerd Audio) and even some of those plucky hosts from Sci Fi Saturday Night will be there.

In addition to the daily goings on there are number of pre and post events to make the weekend a truly fun experience. Join Chris and the whole Double Midnight gang for what has truly become a wonderful New Hampshire must see event.

Drop by and say hello.


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TalkCast 391 – The Dread Whimsy of Rob Smales

Rob SmalesThis episode brings us Five Timers Club member Rob Smales who converses with us about a swarm of horrifying items.

Rob got to talk about his involvement in My Peculiar Family 2 as an author and as an editor. We got a rare glimpse of that the role of a good editor is and does. From a writing standpoint, he talked about how he used the writing prompt to shape his peculiar story and as an editor seeing the divergent roads others took.My Peculiar Family 2 3D Cover

We also talked about two upcoming projects.

First is his editorial work on a new volume entitled “A Sharp Stick In the Eye (and Other Funny Stories)”, available now from Books & Boos Press. Rob seems to truly enjoy his role as

A Sharp Stick In the Eye

A Sharp Stick In the Eye

editor and waxed almost poetically (I didn’t know that was even possible) about the amazing stories in the book, including works by Jeff Strand and Wayne Faust among many others.

Then he spoke about an upcoming novella, “Friends In High Places” being published by Bloodshot Books, which he describes as ‘a coming of age tale gone horribly wrong’. The amazing Lynn Hansen is doing the cover art and it is due for a late September release.

Rob is always a fun guest to have on, which is a prime attribute of our Five Timers Club members,

Enjoy the chao

A 5 Timers Club Inductee

A 5 Timers Club Inductee


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TalkCast 390 – V.S. Holmes and Nel Bently

V.S. Holmes

V.S. Holmes

Our guest in this episode is returning author V.S. Holmes here to talk about some new interconnected projects of hers at Amphibian Press.

First is her inclusion in a Science fiction short story anthology ‘Beamed Up.’ Joining with fellow “Amphibian” writers Cameron J. Quinn, Ariele Sieling and Cullen McHael, V.S.’ contribution is a story called “Disciples”, written in the Nel Bently universe.

Her other project is the soon to be released Book 3 in the Nel Bently series “Strangers”. For those unfamiliar with the series, you can read the first book for free here. V.S. talked about Nel, where she came from how she developed and the parallels between Nel and herself.

After that, we talked about the unique perspective that “Disciples” brings to the Nel Bently universe, allowing the reader the rare ability to see this from the opposite perspective, from the eyes of the “alien”, Lin Nalawangsa (but is Lin actually an alien?). This is an extremely enjoyable well-written series and we had a lot of fun talking about it with V.S., aside from not  having to do so in a truck stop with negligible internet access.

Enjoy the chaos


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Beamed Up

Beamed Up

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